Allow me to whisk you away to a place of daydreams and desires…

A clink of glasses in a gorgeous setting, before we spend an indulgent afternoon tangled in the sheets. Where we take that is completely up to you. Perhaps you are craving a deep intimacy, passion… or perhaps you are seeking adventure, debauchery. Whatever your desires, you have found the perfect companion to fulfil them with.

I am Alexis, allow me to welcome you into my world. You will be met by a woman of striking presence who presents herself impeccably. I take great pride in my appearance and I love looking glamorous (or casual, at your request) for our rendezvous.

Long blonde hair, soft pouty lips that are quick to turn into a cheeky smile, lighting up my sultry hazel eyes, you are greeted with a warm demeanour.
Standing before you is a tall goddess, skin as smooth as silk with an all natural, hourglass shaped womanly figure, full bust and a voluptuous, spankable behind.

Ready to explore your fantasies, I am your sensual girlfriend or your vicarious vixen, ever ready for you to lead the way or allow me to take charge. Our time together will be an experience that will have you eagerly awaiting the next encounter, thinking of all the potential possibilities to explore.
Only becoming more indulgent the better acquainted we become.

One of my most received compliments is how genuine and down to earth I am, which I pride myself on wholeheartedly. Well-spoken, intelligent and outgoing I make an indulging dinner or drinks companion or simply a friend and confidante for some late night pillow talk.

So lets share a moment of unforgettable bliss and make memories to last a lifetime.

I adore;

Wining and dining 
Reds; Cab Sauv, Pinot Nior, Shiraz, Rose
Whites; Chardonnay, Pino Grigio, Champagne
Fresh florals; especially roses
Deep conversations
Adventures & travels
Beauitfully scented candles
Creativity in all aspects
New experiences
Winery hopping
Broad mindedness & chivalry
Casino & cocktail evenings
Sweet, floral & bold fragrances

The basics

Age: Early 30’s

Dress size: Curvy, 16

Height: 5”10 / 178cm (6ft in heels)

Background: Australian, European

Hair: Long blonde

Eyes: Hazel

Cup size: Natural E-F cup

Tattoos: A few small ones

Smoker: No